The submission Guidelines of the Journal of "Plant Productions"
Journal of Plant Productions, published quarterly in print and electronic formats by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz (Iran) is a double blind, peer reviewed, and open access journal. As an offshoot of the Scientific Journal of Agriculture, the journal provides a forum devoted to research articles in specialized fields including agriculture, plant breeding and horticulture. Journal of Plant Productions aims to bolster interdisciplinary cooperation among researchers by publishing high quality works which speak to a wide audience. A manuscript submitted to the journal should be in Persian with an extended abstract in English. Authors need to pursue the following guidelines in writing articles to be considered for preliminary review and further evaluation.
A. General Requirements
1. Manuscript content should be based on the results of author’s research.
2. The manuscript should not have been simultaneously submitted to another journal or published elsewhere (except in the form of short papers presented at national or international conferences).
3. The manuscript should be adjusted to a maximum of 12 pages on A4 format, including references and an abstract. Authors are urged to use at least two related articles from the journal in the body of their manuscripts.
4. Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using the Journal of Plant Productions online submission and review Website at This site will guide authors stepwise through the submission process. Authors are urged to submit the text, tables, and artwork in the electronic form to this address. Please avoid using any English word(s) in the body of the manuscript. The English equivalents should appear as footnotes at the end of each page.
5. In order to improve the quality of the article and to check for possible basic problems, it is recommended that the authors submit their article to the supervising professor or two of their experienced colleagues prior to submitting it for possible publication in the journal.
6. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the manuscript content. Those submitting papers should carefully check that all those works cited in the paper are acknowledged as contributing authors. They should also sign an agreement form confirming their contribution in writing the manuscript. Papers are only considered for publication once consent is given by all contributing authors.
7. When a manuscript is submitted to the Journal of Plant Productions, the editor makes an initial editorial judgment regarding its suitability for the journal’s audience. A significant number of submissions, which fall outside the scope of the journal or are not sufficiently novel, are returned without sending them out for further processing. Final responsibility for acceptance or declination rests with the editor.
8. The format and fonts used in the articles submitted to Journal of Plant Production should be set according to the submission guidelines of the journal at the bottom of this page.
9. During manuscript submission, the submitting author must provide the manuscript main file and a consistent cover page (including full names, email addresses, institutional affiliations, and mailing addresses for all of coauthors). The submitting author should obtain the coauthor’s signed assent to co-authorship, as well. Moreover, the submitting author should provide the original (not printed) Word files for tables and Excel files for figures.
10. Figures and tables: The axis data need to be in English and their titles should be in Persian and English. Figures and tables need to be original (not printed) and they should appear at the top or bottom of the page (not in the center of the page). For some examples, please visit the articles published in the journal homepage.
B. Specifications of Different Sections of Articles
1. Cover Letter
A cover letter should accompany the manuscript. The letter must provide the authors’ name, affiliation, postal and e-mail addresses, and telephone and fax numbers in Farsi and English on a separate page. All editorial correspondence concerning receipt, status, review, revision, and publication of a manuscript will be sent only to one person who has been designated as the corresponding author during the evaluation period. The corresponding author is responsible for communicating the manuscript status to all coauthors of the paper and for obtaining the coauthors’ assent to any substantial changes of content or interpretation made during revision.
2- Article title: The article title should be a maximum of 15 or 20 words that represent the subject and purpose of the research.
3- The Persian abstract: The abstract should include research problem, objectives, method and materials,exact time & place and the general results.
4. Keywords:The Persian keywords (with a maximum of 7 words) should be included in order of importance at the bottom of the Persian abstract. Their English equivalents should appear in the same order in the English abstract.
5- The article body: The body of the article should start from the first page of the article after the Persian abstract in two columns. However, the Persian abstract (250 to 350 words), the English abstract (400 to 500 words), and the references should be written in a single-column format.
6- Introduction: Introduction includes statement of the problem, significance of the study, review of literature and objectives of the research.
7. Materials and methods: This section includes a complete description of materials, methods, instruments and trial design used. If these are adapted from other sources, it is necessary to refer to the general principles and references used.
8. Results and discussion: This section includes the results, main findings with justification, reference to previous research and discussion of the results. Please avoid extensive citations and repetition of the same results in different ways using figures, tables, etc., simultaneously.
Before submitting your manuscript to the Journal of Plant Production please pay attention to the following points:
- Authors can use the already published articles in the Journal of Plant Production as a guide to draw tables and figures.
- The artwork and graphics that are to be considered for publication have to be original (not printed) and should be placed right after the relevant content.
- The artwork captions and content need to be original (not printed), clear and readable.
- The results should be sufficiently analyzed based on the objectives of the research and compared to the results of previous studies.
9. Conclusion: At the end of the results and discussion section, a conclusion about one to two paragraphs in about ten lines should be added.
10. Acknowledgement:This section usually represents a brief statement (a maximum of 40 words) of acknowledgement appreciating those funded or contributed to the research.
11. Reference list: This list includes books, articles and other scholarly sources used by author(s).
Attention: Authors are urged to cite at least two articles related to crop physiology, horticulture, and plant breeding from the issues published in the journal which are already accessible from the journal homepage at
A: When using other sources in the body of an article, parenthetical citation like (Richard, 1993) at the end of each sentence is recommended. Otherwise, if necessary, please use integral citation like Kekecoglu et al. (2007) at the beginning of each sentence.
B: All parenthetical citations for the Persian or English references used in the body of an article should be written as follows.
-Single author (Fathi, 2015)
-Two authors (Fathi and Ahmad, 2015)
-Multiple authors (Fathi et al., 2015)
Integral citations at the beginning of each sentence should be written as follows:
- Single author Fathi (2015)
-Two authors Fathi and Rahmani (2015)
-Multiple authors Fathi et al. (2015)
12. Reference List
Sources referred to in an article should be in the form of accessible books, scientific journals, and dissertations. Do not use inaccessible and non-academic sources such as class notes and seminars.
B. The English references used in the reference list should be numbered and in alphabetical order. The Persian references, however, should appear such that the name of author (s), and publication year (Persian into anno Domini(A.D.)) should be translated into English.
Sample reference styles
1- AnabiMilani, A. (2003). Effect of irrigation regimes on yield components and water use efficiency of wheat in saline soil. Soil and Water Science, 16(1): 121-135. [In Persain]
2- Hamsdi, I. (1994). A practical model and metapopulationdyanamics. Journal of Animal Ecology, 63: 151-162.
3- Molan, P.C., Smith, I.M., & Reid, G.M. (1988). A comparison of the antibacterial activity of some New Zealand honeys. Journal of Apicultural Research, 27(4): 252-256.
4- Whith, J.W. (1975).Composition of honey. In Crane, E. (ed), Honey: Acomprehensive survey. Heinemann, London, UK. pp: 157-206.
How to write electronic resources:
5- Food and Drug Administration .(2001). Revised Preventive Measures for blood products.http/ 3817b1.htm (accessed may 2007).
13. English abstract: English abstract is the equivalent of the Persian abstract (400 to 500 words) including the following subsections:
-Background and objectives
-Materials and methods
All Persian dates need to change into anno Domini (AD) dates in the English abstract. Scientific names of living organisms should be provided in English, while the rest of the abstract is in Persian.
Formatting guidelines for articles submitted to the Journal of Plant Production
Accepted manuscripts should comply with the following formatting for publication:
The manuscript should be written in a two-column format using Microsoft Word software 2007 with a paper size of 29.7 × 21 cm (A4). Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically by using the Journal of Plant Production online submission and review Website (
A. Margins B. Spacing
Right side 3.0cm Space between two columns 1.25cm
Left side 2.8cm Line spacing 1.0cm
Top 3.0cm Indentation 0.5cm
Bottom 2.5cm
C. Font type and size
Persian title B Zar14 Bold
English title Times News Roman12
Author’s name in Persian B Zar11
Author’s name in English Times New Roman11
Persian headings B Zar13 Bolt
Persian sub-headings and keywords B Zar12 Bolt
Persian abstract B Zar11 Bolt
English body and references Times New Roman12
English keywords Times News Roman12 ( Bold/Italic)
Persian body and references B Zar12
Persian footnotes B Zar10
English footnotes Times New Roman10
Captions for tables and figures B Zar10 Bolt
Contents of figures and tables B Zar10
Before submitting your manuscript to the journal, please make sure to use the link (Editing Software) to check the language and the style of the whole manuscript for any possible typos, grammatical errors, and spelling mistakes. Manuscripts which do not comply with the guidelines are immediately sent back to author (s) for revision.
According to the formal announcement made by the editorial board of Journal of Plant Production, thesis-extracted papers submitted to the journal for review and possible publication will be processed only when the corresponding author is the professor who supervised the project. Otherwise, the manuscript will not be considered for review and possible publication.
Notice for submitting manuscripts in English language:
Notice for submitting manuscripts in English language:
Since the submitting paper system of Journal of Plant Production is set up for submitting manuscripts in Persian language, there is one consideration for submitting manuscripts in English language as followed: