Document Type : Research Paper - Plant Breeding


1 Assistant Prof., Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Darab, Iran

2 Assistant Prof., Crop and Horticultural Science Research Department, Safiabad Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Desful, Iran

3 Fars Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center

4 Professor., Seed and Plant Improvement Department, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Karaj, Iran




Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a socioeconomically important crop in Iran. Improving genetic gain of quantitative traits through selection is at the core of every successful breeding program.

Identification of high-yielding genotypes with high desirable growth traits is one of the most important goals in barley breeding programs. However, the aim of the present study was to select bread wheat superior genotypes based on grain yield and some morpho-phenological traits and finally to compare different indicators using selection index of ideal genotype (SIIG), multi-trait genotype-ideotype distance index (MGIDI) and ideotype design via best linear unbiased prediction (FAI-BLUP).

Materials and methods

To identify superior genotypes of bread wheat for cultivation in the warm and dry conditions in the southern regions in the Fars province (Darab) and Safiabad-Dezful, an experiment was carried out in the cropping year of 2022-2023 as an augment design with 6 incomplete blocks and three control Sarang, Mehrgan and Barat. plant height (PLH), number of days to heading (DHE), number of days to maturity (DMA), thousand kernel weight (TKW), seed filling rate (SFR), seed filling period (SFP) and grain yield (YLD) were determined. The genetic parameters were estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood (REML). After collecting experimental data, statistical analyses were computed using SAS and R softwares.

Results and Discussion

The results of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) showed that the genotype effect was significant at the 1% probability level for PLH, DHE, DMA, SFR, SFP and YLD (except TKW). The values of heritability for all measured were, so that the highest and lowest values were estimated for the PLH (0.879) and SFR (0.124), respectively. These results and the heat map of traits, reveal the existence of a genetic diversity among the wheat genotypes. Also, the general heritability of genotypes varied from 0.124 (SFP) to 0.879 (PLH). In Darab region, SIIG index was superior and in Dezful region and the average of two regions, FAI-BLUP index was superior to other indices. The FAI-BLUP selection index has been used on average in Darab, Dezful, and the average of the two regions to select genotypes with a higher number of desired traits through differential selection. In addition to differential selection, the correlation between traits with these indices has shown that the FAI-BLUP selection index had a significant correlation with a greater number of traits compared to the other two selection indices. In Darab, SIIG index introduced G5, G36 and G42 genotypes as supeior genotypes. In Dezful, the FAI-BLUP index introduced the G26, G30 and G37 genotypes as the best genotypes and for the average of the two regions, the G30, G35 and G36 genotypes were introduced as best genotypes using the FAI-BLUP index.


In general, the results of different indices showed that in the conditions of this study, FAI-BLUP index was superior to other indices. Finally, the results of the two-dimensional graph of the selection indices and grain yield showed that genotypes G50, G52, and G60 can be considered as the superior genotypes for cultivation in bread wheat preliminary experiments in Darab and Dezful regions.


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