Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Plant Prodution and Genetic, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Enjineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 1- M.Sc. Graduate of Agronomy, Department of Plant Prodution and Genetic, Faculty of Agricultural Science and Enjineering, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.




Legumes are the most important source of plant food after cereals. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important crops of the legume family, and it is planted as rainfed in semi-arid regions like most western regions of Iran. Chickpea seeds are a valuable addition to the human diet, particularly for low-income individuals, and also, are rich in protein (18-22%), unsaturated fatty acids (such as linoleic acid and oleic acid), and a good source of vitamins, such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and folate (the natural form of vitamin B9), as well as beta-carotene (a precursor of vitamin A synthesis) and minerals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. In terms of total grain yield production in rainfed environments, chickpea is the third crop in Iran. The largest area under chickpea cultivation in Iran, with about 141 thousand hectares, belongs to Kermanshah province. The lack of moisture and the absorbable form of nutrients in the soil solution is one of the essential reasons for the low yield of chickpeas in Iran's rainfed fields (480 kg ha-1) compared to its global average (1057 kg ha-1). Therefore, this research aims to improve the grain yield of chickpea in the condition of improving nutrition by using iron, zinc, and boron chelates as bulk and nanoparticles.

Materials and Methods:

This study was conducted under rainfed conditions and at the research farm of the Agriculture and Natural Resources Campus of Razi University in 2018-2019. A randomized complete block design was implemented in three replications. Fertilizer treatments were applied in two steps at the beginning of vegetative growth and flowering as foliar application. Bulk and nanoparticle forms of iron, zinc, and boron chelates in three concentrations (2, 4, and 8 g l-1) and their combined forms and the control treatment were used.

Results and Discussion:

According to the soil analysis results, in the soil solution, a lack of absorbable forms of iron, zinc, and boron was observed. The results of data variance analysis showed that the effect of the type and concentration of fertilizer on the grain yield and its components was significant. All fertilizer types, except boron fertilizer, caused a significant increase in grain yield compared to the control. The highest grain yield (814 kg ha-1) compared to the control was obtained in the treatment of iron + zinc + boron and iron + zinc and bulk zinc fertilizer combination with 1196, 1108, and 1053 kg ha-1, respectively. With increasing fertilizer concentration, grain yield and biomass, 100 grain weight, number of pods plant-1, number of grain pod-1, number of grain plant-1, and plant height increased significantly compared to the control. The concentration of 8 g l-1 of all fertilizer treatments had the most positive and significant effect on the grain yield and its components. In this connection, the highest grain and biomass yield, with 1392 and 3287 kg ha-1, respectively, was seen in the concentration of 8 g l-1 of iron x zinc x boron fertilizer treatment.


Iron and zinc nanoparticle fertilizers were not superior to their bulk form in terms of a significant increase in grain yield. However, regarding plant height increase, bulk iron and zinc fertilizers were superior to nanoparticle iron and zinc fertilizers. According to this research, iron and zinc nanoparticle fertilizers did not have a significant advantage over their bulk form in increasing chickpea grain yield in rainfed environment. According to various reports about the higher efficiency of nanoparticle fertilizers compared to their bulk form in irrigated environments, the efficiency of nanoparticle fertilizers compared to their bulk form in rainfed environments should be studied more.


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