Document Type : Research Paper - Breeding of Fruit Trees Crops


1 Basij Squar, Gorgan, Golestan, Iran

2 Horticulture Dep., Faculty of Plant Production, Gorgan Uni of Agri Sci and Natural Resources

3 Fig Research Station, Estahban

4 Plant Breeding Department, Gorgan University




Figs are one of the fruit trees that were domesticated earlier than other plants, and fig cultivation in Turkey was long before the cultivation of other plants by humans. According to the history of fig cultivation, it can be said that this plant is one of the first fruit trees that humans have attempted selection technique for its breeding. According to the researchers, the diversity of the population under selection guarantees the achievement of desirable results in the breed-specific programs. The first step for any reeding program is to know the existing accessions in the region and get to know their breeding potentials. In most regions of Iran, fig trees are seen as feral wild species. Regarding the study and identification of wild figs in Iran, several studies have been taken. Most of these actions have taken place in Fars province. So far, no report has been published regarding the study of figs in the southern regions of Khorasan-e- Razavi, which is considered one of the natural habitats of figs. In this research, the caprifigs widespread in these areas have been studied.

Materials and methods

In this research, morphological evaluation of 10 accessions of figs in the south Khorasan-e-Razavi was done and compared with two commercial cultivars of Estehban Fars. The location of the sampling sites was in a wide range of areas in the south of Khorasan-e-Razavi (from the southernmost village of Gonabad to Bardskan). To evaluate the morphological characteristics, the IPGRI international descriptor and also the national guidelines for tests of differentiation, uniformity and stability in figs (Institute of Registration and Certification of Seeds and Seedlings of Iran) were used. For this purpose, leaf vegetative characteristics and some special characteristics of figs were measured. The measurements were carried out according to the type of trait in late spring and mid-summer. This research was carried out in the form of a nest design with 3 replications. In each repetition, 5 measurement samples and its average data were used. For data analysis, SAS ver 9.4 software was used for cluster analysis using UPGMA algorithm and based on Euclidean morphological distance, as well as NTSYS ver software was used for cluster drawing.

Results and disscussion

The results showed that there is a significant difference between the morphological characteristics of the studied fig masses. principle component analyses in quantitative traits showed that the eigenvalue is greater than one in nine factors. Examining the analysis results with factors in quantitative traits showed that only the first three factors alone can justify more than 92% of the variation. Also, the analyses into main factors in qualitative traits showed that the number of 12 factors, their eigenvalue is more than one, and the first six factors explain more than 93% of the variation. Cluster analysis showed that all investigated masses are placed in three groups. The first group included the Branjirs of Estehban Fars. The second group included only Pechek and Bejestan figs, and other figs were included in the third group.


Collecting and determining the characteristics of germplasm is the most important stage of fruit tree breeding programs. Iran is considsered as one of the important centers of plant genetic reserves and is one of the primary origins of Figs. The results of this research showed the extraordinary diversity of caprifigs in a wide range of southern Khorasan-e-Razavi. Due to the observation of high diversity in the studied genotpes, it is suggested to evaluate these accessions from different molecular and biochemical aspects.


Main Subjects