Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Department of Crop Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Professor of Plant Ecophysiology Department, Field of Crop Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Graduated Ph.D. in Crop Physiology, Department of Plant Ecophysiology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.

4 PhD Student in Production and Post-Harvest Physiology of Medicinal Plants, Department of Horticultural Science and Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.



Introduction: Dragon's head, due to low water requirement or in other words, low water expectation, a short growth period of about 80-95 days can be useful for the climatic conditions of the Iran, especially Azerbaijan. According to the planting of several ecotypes with diverse growth and yield characteristics and the measurement of various quantitative and qualitative traits, as well as the use of statistical methods in data analysis, it is possible to identify and introduce the compatible and suitable ecotypes for the region and, if necessary, in the breeding programs. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to investigate the percentage and yield of the oil of 49 ecotypes of Dragon's head.

Materials and methods: In order to evaluate the characteristics related to the percentage and yield of the oil of 49 ecotypes of the Dragon's head collected from different regions of the Iran, a research in the form of a randomized complete block design with 3 replications was carried out during the years 2015 and 2016 in the research farm of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Tabriz. The most important traits measured included the length of the fertile branch, seed yield per unit area and the number of seeds in the main and branch branches, as well as some qualitative traits such as oil percentage and oil yield. Data normality test was done using SPSS software and statistical analysis of data based on randomized complete block design and composite analysis using MSTAT-C and SPSS software. The comparison of the average data of the evaluated traits was done using Tukey's test at the probability level of 1%. Also, to group the ecotypes, cluster analysis was done by Ward's method, and the cut point of the resulting dendrogram was determined using the detection function analysis, and Excel software was used to draw the figures.

Research findings: The obtained results showed that the ecotypes significant differences in most of the studied traits. In the regression analysis of oil yield, the highest regression coefficient (1.098) was observed in seed yield per unit area. Based on the average comparison results, ecotypes No. 37 (Alwar village of Bostanabad) with an average of 116.3 gr/m2, No. 23 (Tabriz 4) with an average of 107.7 gr/m2 and No. 24 (local mass of Kalvanagh 14) with an average of 101.7 gr/m2 had the highest grain yield per unit area. According to the results of the variance analysis table of ecotype effect on seed oil percentage, the yield of oil per surface unit was significant. So that ecotype No. 8 (indigenous population of Kalvanaq 7 city) with an average of 44.3 % had the highest percentage of oil in the seed among the 49 tested ecotypes, and ecotype No. 27 (native population of Param 1 Harris village) was in the next rank. While ecotype No. 37 (native population of Alwar village, Bostanabad) had the highest oil yield per unit area with an average of 44.4 gr.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this research, ecotypes No. 37 (Alwar village of Bostanabad), 23 (Tabriz 4) and 24 (Kolvanagh 14) were recognized as the most suitable and compatible ecotypes for Tabriz city in terms of grain and oil yield traits.


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