Document Type : Research Paper - Agroecology


1 PhD Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, Shahrood University of Technology, Shahrood, Iran


One of the main goals of sustainable agriculture is controlling soil erosion, stabilizing yield in unfavorable conditions and increasing yield in favorable environmental conditions, and finally creating diversity and stability in agricultural ecosystems. Mixed cultivation is a part of crop rotation program in sustainable farming systems. One of the most important advantages of mixed cultivation over pure cultivation is that in the mixed state, the plants show more compatibility together and increases the total yield. Among the different types of mixed cropping systems that are currently used by farmers, one-year mixed cropping systems are more economical and are of interest to most farmers. It also includes many positive aspects including increasing yield and increasing   land equivalent ratio.
Materials and Methods
In order to study the production potential and competitive ability of barley and vetch plants in the mixed cropping pattern under the influence of different planting patterns and nitrogen use, an experiment was conducted in the crop year 2017-2018 in Shirvan Rain Research Station of North Khorasan Province. The experiment was in the form of split plots based on a randomized complete block design. The main factor includes nitrogen fertilizer at three levels (zero, 50 and 100 kilograms per hectare) and the secondary factor of different cultivation patterns at five levels (pure barley, pure vetch, incremental ratios of 15, 30 and 45% of vetch plant increase to barley plant density). And the cultivation was of a mixed and incremental type.
Results and Discussion
According to the results of the experiment, the highest value of 1000-grains weight in the treatment of pure barley cultivation and the use of 50 and 100 kg of nitrogen per hectare (52.75 grams) and in the treatment of mixed cultivation of 100:30 and in the absence of nitrogen use, the lowest value of 1000-garins weight ( 45 grams), the highest number of seeds per spike in nitrogen 100 kg per hectare and mixed cultivation 100:30 with an average of 17.25 and the least amount of this trait in the treatment of no use of nitrogen and pure barley cultivation with an average of 10.8 seeds It was at the peak. Also, the highest seed yield was obtained in the pure cultivation of barley and in the nitrogen treatment of 100 kg (1515 kg) and the lowest was obtained in the mixed crop of 100:45 and the fertilizer treatment of no nitrogen use (732.5 kg). The mixture of 45:100 and 50 kg of nitrogen had the highest amount (1.158).
According to the results of LER, the use of vetch as a nitrogen-fixing species along with the consumption of 50 kg of nitrogen fertilizer per hectare can be effective to achieve the optimal yield.


Main Subjects

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