Document Type : Research Paper - Pomology


1 Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Lorestan University, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Horticultural Sciences Department, Lorestan University

3 Horticulture Department, Lorestan University



Physalis (Physalis peruviana L.) belongs to the Solanaceae family and Its fruit is berry, round and orange in color. This fruit is climacteric and after reaching physiological maturity, it can be harvested as a mature green. Since small fruits are consumed fresh and also because of their sensitivity to spoilage pathogens, physiological disorders. On the other hand, food safety is one of the important issues related to fresh fruits and vegetables. Most of the natural compounds are degradable and can be a safe compound for human health and the environment and an alternative to synthetic compounds. Research has shown that the incorporation of bioactive compounds such as essential oils, plant extracts and nanocomposite increases the active effect as a packaging for fruit and reduces the rate of fruit deterioration.

Materials and Methods

This research was done in the laboratory of Lorestan university (Khorramabad, 33° 26 ´N latitude and 48 °15´E longitude and at an altitude of 1148 meters above sea level). In this study, physalis fruits from Khorramabad research greenhouse, nanocellulose gel extracted from Bergan conifer pulp from Nano Novin Polymer Company, pure carvacrol by GC/MS analysis from Khorrman Pharmaceutical Company and the combination of nanocellulose with carvacrol, in The laboratory was prepared. The experiment was conducted as a factorial with two factors in the form of a complete random design with 4 replications. The first factor is the type of material in specific concentrations at nine levels (Control, Car 0.3%, Car 0.6%, CNF 0.5%, CNF 1.5%, Car 0.3+CNF 0.5%, Car 0.6+CNF 0.5%, Car 0.3+CNF 1.5%, Car 0.6+CNF 1.5% and the second factor of storage time at four levels (0, 45, 90 and 135 days). First, physalis fruits were washed with distilled water, and then the excess leaves and damaged fruits were separated. The fruits were placed in the desired suspension for 2-3 minutes. After applying the treatment, the fruits were placed in a refrigerator with a temperature of 4 degrees and a relative humidity of 90%.

Results and Discussion

The results showed that the treated fruits with nanocellulose and carvacrol showed less weight loss and had higher tissue firmness. Examining the biochemical characteristics also showed the positive effect of the treatments on the desired parameters, so that the most TA and vitamin C and the least amount of acidity were obtained in the nanocellulose and nanocellulose/carvacrol combination treatments. Also, the treatments used reduced the TSS and the fruit TSS/TA, and the combined treatments had the lowest values. By creating a layer on the surface of the fruit, nanocellulose coating prevents water evaporation and reduces metabolic and respiration processes. The amount of fruit softening is directly related to the amount of decomposition of pectin compounds through the enzyme activity of methylesterase and polygalactronase during ripening. The used coatings form a thin layer on the surface of the fruit, which can reduce gas exchange and the rate of respiration. Nanocellulose/carvacrol composite coatings lead to an increase in the activity of cytochrome oxidase by reducing internal oxygen and this enzyme increases the rate of ascorbic acid decomposition.


In general, the results of the research showed that the investigated characteristics of physalis fruit were influenced by the treatments used. As treated samples, weight loss was less, acidity, soluble solids and taste index were lower, tissue firmness, titratable acids and vitamin C were higher. According to the general results, it can be stated that the application of nanocellulose/carvacrol composite treatments, especially the Car 0.6+CNF 1.5% treatment, showed more favorable results than the application of each one alone in most features.


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