Number of Volumes | 46 |
Number of Issues | 57 |
Number of Articles | 625 |
Number of Contributors | 1,618 |
Article View | 777,239 |
PDF Download | 396,892 |
View Per Article | 1243.58 |
PDF Download Per Article | 635.03 |
Number of Submissions | 1,257 |
Reject Rate | 58 |
Acceptance Rate | 32 |
Average Time to Accept (Days) | 150 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 4 |
"Plant Productions" is a magazine in Persian language, quarterly publication and print-electronic format with open access, which is published by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. In this publication, all articles are reviewed by double blind peer review, open access journal and in the final review process, the plagiarism diagnostic software of the similarity finder is used to identify the originality of the articles (Iran Doc). This publication is indexed in the reference database of Islamic world sciences and the regional science and technology information center and in the ISC system, it has an impact factor (Q2). The Journal of "Plant Productions" is not a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE), but it follows its principles. The final cost of printing an article in this publication is 3,000,000 Rials. The editorial board accepts scientific articles resulting from research that have not been published or sent anywhere else in the fields of agriculture, plant breeding & biotechnology, crop ecology, plant stress, crop physiology, crop production, horticulture, olericulture & ornament plant, post-harvest physiology, plant tissue culture, herbal medicine and pomology. Also, considering the importance of scientific-applied findings related to the production of basic knowledge in agricultural sciences, this publication publishes findings based on the production of basic knowledge in a special way. (Read more in the section about the publication).
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Prof. Noorollah Moallemi
Prof. Amir Aynehband
Editorial Board:
Dr. Hamid Reza Asghari
Prof. Yahya Emam
Dr. Shahram Pourseyedi
Prof. Esmaeil Khaleghi
Prof. Alireza Dadkhah
Prof. Afrasyab Rahnama
Prof. Hamid reza Roosta
Dr. Habibolah Roshanfekr
Prof. Eskandar Zand
Prof. Khosro Azizi
Prof. Majid Azizi Arani
Dr. Esfandiar Fateh
Prof. Abdollah Ghasemi Pirbalouti
Dr. Mohammad Mahmoodi Sourestani
Dr. Mohammad reza Moradi Telavat
Prof. Farid Moradinezhad
Prof. Mousa Meskarbashi
Prof. Mohammad Moghaddam Vahed
Prof. Roohangiz Naderi
International Editorial Board:
Prof. Mohammad Reza Chaichi
Prof. Antonio Ferrante
Prof. Masoud Hashemi
Dr. Shohreh Zivdar
English Text Editor:
Fateme Akbarzade Haromi
Page Designer:
Azadeh Ahmadi
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 2588-543X
Online ISSN: 2588-5979
Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST)