Volume 47 (2024)
Volume 46 (2023)
Volume 45 (2022)
Volume 44 (2021)
Volume 43 (2020)
Volume 42 (2019)
Volume 41 (2018)
Volume 40 (2017)
Volume 39 (2016)
Volume 38 (2015)
Volume 37 (2014)
Volume 36 (2013)
Volume 35 (2012)
Volume 34 (2011)
Volume 33 (2010)
Volume 32 (2009)
Effect of Potassium Nitrate and Phenyl Phthalamic Acid on Some of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Strawberry ‘Gaviota’
Effect of Potassium Nitrate and Phenyl Phthalamic Acid on Some of Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Strawberry ‘Gaviota’

S M; M H; M S; S A

Volume 39, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 43-52


  Background and objectives Proper plant nutrition is very important for high productivity and fruit quality. Strawberry has more need for potassium because this element is a major component ...  Read More
Effect of Silver Nitrate on In vitro Propagation of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cvs. ‘Malas Yazdi’ and ‘Robab’
Effect of Silver Nitrate on In vitro Propagation of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) cvs. ‘Malas Yazdi’ and ‘Robab’

babak valizadeh kaji; Ahmad Reza Abbasifar

Volume 39, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 53-64


  Background and Objectives Traditional propagation method of pomegranate by hard wood and soft wood cuttings does not ensure disease-free and healthy plants and it depends on the season. ...  Read More
Evaluative Effects of Brassinosteroid on Reduction of Harmful Effect of Chilling in Fruit Grape (Vitis vinifera L. Rishbaba) During Storage
Evaluative Effects of Brassinosteroid on Reduction of Harmful Effect of Chilling in Fruit Grape (Vitis vinifera L. Rishbaba) During Storage

BAHAREH GHORBANI; zahra pakkish

Volume 39, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 65-78


  Background and Objectives Grapes are generally grown in different regions of Iran. Quality of table grapes is usually considered as a combination of appearance and flavor during shelf-life. ...  Read More
Chemical Composition Essential Oil of Hors Mint (Mentha longifolia) as a Rich Source of Pulegone From Five Wild Habitats of Fars Province
Chemical Composition Essential Oil of Hors Mint (Mentha longifolia) as a Rich Source of Pulegone From Five Wild Habitats of Fars Province

p a; m m; j v; a gh; gh d

Volume 39, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 87-100


  Background and Objectives Horse Mint (Mentha longifolia synMentha sylvestris) is a valuable medicinal and aromatic plant belonging to Lamiaceae family. This plant has been used traditionally ...  Read More
Investigating of Copper Effect on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Nasturtium Officinale
Investigating of Copper Effect on Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Nasturtium Officinale

M. T.; Ahmad Mohtadi; T. A.

Volume 39, Issue 4 , March 2017, , Pages 101-114


  Background and Objectives Environmental pollution is the result of industrial societies and industrialization of human society. Copper is an essential micronutrient for plants growth ...  Read More
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Some of Iranian Snake Melon (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) Accessions Using Morphological Markers
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Some of Iranian Snake Melon (Cucumis melo var. flexuosus) Accessions Using Morphological Markers

Narges Dastranji; Abdolali Shojaeiyan; Mohsen Falahati-Anbaran; Sajad Rashidi-Monfared; Azam Nikzad-Gharehaghaji

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 15-26


  Background and Objectives Local accessions have developed traits that may improve their ability to adapt to local invironmental conditions. These accessions may contain genes responsible ...  Read More
Effects of Harvesting Time and Fruit Size on Physical and Biochemical Properties of Pomegranate Fruit cv. ‘Rabab Neiriz’ in Ghalletol-Baghmalak
Effects of Harvesting Time and Fruit Size on Physical and Biochemical Properties of Pomegranate Fruit cv. ‘Rabab Neiriz’ in Ghalletol-Baghmalak

Fatemh rashno nuzhad; norola moallemi; seyad mohamad hasan Mortazavi

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 27-38


  Background and Objectives Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is a nonclimacteric fruit rcent respectively. In general, the results of the present study confirmed that the medium fruit size ...  Read More
Genetic Diversity Mulberry Genotypes of Iran by Using Morphological
Genetic Diversity Mulberry Genotypes of Iran by Using Morphological

m fakhraei; r Tabar; m Sarsaiefi; a Fattie; Gh Abadozi; M Hajhasani; A Farhadi; Gh Khakizad; Z Azizi; B Samadi; M Kiani; A Mirakhorlee; N Foromadi; j Mzaffari; R Rafezi

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 39-50


  Background and Objectives Mulberry (Morus spp.) is a tree of the family of Moraceae. There are 24 species of Morus and one subspecies, with 100 known varieties. The various methods ...  Read More
Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous and Methanol Extract of Ferula Foetida 
on Tomato (Lycopersicun escolentum) Seed Germination
Allelopathic Effect of Aqueous and Methanol Extract of Ferula Foetida on Tomato (Lycopersicun escolentum) Seed Germination

Gh Taheri

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 65-76


  Background and Objectives Allelopaty is regarded as a natural protecting strategy involving plant secoundary metabolites that influence the growth and development of surrounding biological ...  Read More
Summer-Pruning and Preharvest Calcium Chloride Sprays Affect Storability in Kiwifruit cv. Hayward
Summer-Pruning and Preharvest Calcium Chloride Sprays Affect Storability in Kiwifruit cv. Hayward

Z Nazari; KH Hemmati; Rabiei Rabiei; M Alhzadeh; Y.Gh Khazayipol

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 77-90


  Background and objectives Kiwifruit is a good source of natural antioxidant substances, in particular vitamin C. The studies on kiwifruit post harvest handling and storability would ...  Read More
Evaluation of Culture Media Including Vermicompost, Compost and Manure under Drought Stress in Iranian Petunia (Petunia hybrida)
Evaluation of Culture Media Including Vermicompost, Compost and Manure under Drought Stress in Iranian Petunia (Petunia hybrida)

M Goldani; M Kamali

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 91-100


  Background and Objectives Organic fertilizers are derived from animal matter, human excreta or vegetable matter. (e.g. compost, manure). Organic fertilizers are carbon-based compounds ...  Read More
Increasing the Expression of Genes Chavicol O-Methyl Teransferase and Cinnamate 4-Hydroxilase under Methyl Jasmonate Treatment in Medicinal Plant Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)
Increasing the Expression of Genes Chavicol O-Methyl Teransferase and Cinnamate 4-Hydroxilase under Methyl Jasmonate Treatment in Medicinal Plant Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)

Leyla Hassani; Babak Abdollahi Mandoulakani; Reza Darvishzadeh; Abbas Hassani

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 101-112


  Background and Objectives Basil is a rich source of phenylpropanoids and enzymes Chavicol o-methyl transferase and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase are involved in the biosynthesis of these ...  Read More
Effect of Foliar Spray with Ascorbic acid on Some Qualitative Characteristics and Improving Color of Apple Fruit
 (Malus domestica cv. Red Spur)
Effect of Foliar Spray with Ascorbic acid on Some Qualitative Characteristics and Improving Color of Apple Fruit (Malus domestica cv. Red Spur)

Alireza Farokhzad; m Asghari

Volume 39, Issue 3 , December 2016, , Pages 113-125


  Background and Objectives Low quality of fruits is one of the most important problems in marketing of apple fruits. Recently the use of organic compounds such as ascorbic acid in order ...  Read More
Effect of Clone and Growth Regulators on Callus and Bulblet Formation Using Daughter Bulb Explants of Fritillary (Fritillaria imperialis L.)
Effect of Clone and Growth Regulators on Callus and Bulblet Formation Using Daughter Bulb Explants of Fritillary (Fritillaria imperialis L.)

Saadollah Alizadeh Ajirlo; mohammad kargar

Volume 39, Issue 2 , September 2016, , Pages 81-94


  Introduction: Micropropagation is the best approach to propagation of Fritillaria and prevention of its extinguishing. The effects of auxin and cytokinin combinations on callus and ...  Read More
Relationship between accumulation of nitrogen compounds and sugars, and salt tolerance in rapeseed plant (Brassica napus L.)
Relationship between accumulation of nitrogen compounds and sugars, and salt tolerance in rapeseed plant (Brassica napus L.)

V. Atlassi Pak; M. Nabipour; M. Meskarbashee

Volume 39, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 1-1


  Abiotic stresses, like salinity, cause an increase in nitrogen compounds such as proline and soluble proteins in plant. In order to investigate the role of these compounds in salt tolerance, ...  Read More
The Effect of Irrigation Intervals on Quantitative and Qualitative Yields of Two Savory Species (Satureja khuzestanica and S. rechingeri)
The Effect of Irrigation Intervals on Quantitative and Qualitative Yields of Two Savory Species (Satureja khuzestanica and S. rechingeri)

A Nooshkam; N Majnoun hoseini2; J. Hadian3; M.R. Jahansooz; K Khavazi5; A. Salehnia; S. Hedayatpour

Volume 39, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 11-20


  Background and Objectives Satureja khuzestanica and satureja rechingeri are two valuable and endemic medicinal species that grow widely in southwest parts of Iran. These species are ...  Read More
The Role of Covering and Antitranspirant substances on Control of Date Bunch Fading in Mazafati Cultivar
The Role of Covering and Antitranspirant substances on Control of Date Bunch Fading in Mazafati Cultivar

A. Shoorabadi; M.H. Shamshiri; M. najafinia; S.H. Mirdehghan

Volume 39, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 47-64


  Background and Objectives The phenomenon of date-bunch fading is one of the most important problems of some Iranian date producers. This disorder causes fruit shrinkage at the stage ...  Read More
Efficiency of Ag-coated TiO2 Nanostructure Photocatalytic Reaction on Delay of Postharvest Tomato Ripening
Efficiency of Ag-coated TiO2 Nanostructure Photocatalytic Reaction on Delay of Postharvest Tomato Ripening

F. Goodarzi

Volume 39, Issue 1 , June 2016, , Pages 79-88


  Background and Objectives Tomato is a climacteric vegetable crop with a high ability of ethylene production. Approximately, 30% of tomatoes is lost during the harvest to consumption ...  Read More
Effects of Planting Date and Nutrition Solution Concentration on Yield and Quality Properties of Strawberry Fruit CV Camarosa Grown in Ahvaz Condition
Effects of Planting Date and Nutrition Solution Concentration on Yield and Quality Properties of Strawberry Fruit CV Camarosa Grown in Ahvaz Condition

S. Pourmombeini; S.M.H. Mortazavi; N. Moallemi; A. Mozaffari; A.A. Moezzi

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 13-24


  This research was done to evaluate the effects of planting date and concentration of Hoagland nutrition solution on the yield and quality of strawberry fruit cv. Camarosa grown in Shahid ...  Read More
Effects of Calcium Nitrate on Nitrate Reductase Activity, Amino Acids, Nitrate and Ion Accumulation of Pistacia Vera L., Badami Zarand, Under Sodium Chloride Stress
Effects of Calcium Nitrate on Nitrate Reductase Activity, Amino Acids, Nitrate and Ion Accumulation of Pistacia Vera L., Badami Zarand, Under Sodium Chloride Stress

S. Nasseri Khollari; M. Heydari; S. Jafari; M.H. Daneshvar

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 35-48


  Nitrogen is considered as an essential nutrient for plants and could be taken up in large amounts by plants. Nitrogen fertilizers are known to have beneficial effects when added to ...  Read More
Effects of Mycorrhiza, Phosphatic Biofertilizer on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum L.)
Effects of Mycorrhiza, Phosphatic Biofertilizer on Photosynthetic Pigments and Yield in Coriander (Coriandrum Sativum L.)

A. Bastami; M. Majidian

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 49-60


  In order to investigate the effects of mycorrhizal fungi, phosphatic biofertilizer and manure application on yield and quantitative and qualitative criteria of coriander an experiment ...  Read More
Investigating on the Effect of Wax Coating and Different Concentrations of Putrescine on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of ‘Kara’ Mandarin During Storage
Investigating on the Effect of Wax Coating and Different Concentrations of Putrescine on Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of ‘Kara’ Mandarin During Storage

A. Ramezanian; F. khorram; A. Ahmadpoor

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 61-70


  In order to investigate the effect of different concentrations of putrescine and wax coating on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of ‘Kara’ mandarin in storage, ...  Read More
Effect of Irrigation Interval and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Seed Yield and Pigment Contents in Dill
Effect of Irrigation Interval and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Seed Yield and Pigment Contents in Dill

M. Amiri; S. Mansoorifar; K.S. Asilan; H. Heidari

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 71-80


  In order to determine the optimum irrigation interval and nitrogen fertilizer rate for dill in Kermanshah climate conditions, an experiment was conducted as split plot design with three ...  Read More
Biochemical and Physical Changes in Some West Part of Iran Pear Cultivars During Storage
Biochemical and Physical Changes in Some West Part of Iran Pear Cultivars During Storage

M. Koushesh Saba; S. Moradi

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 81-92


  Abstract Many pear genotypes and cultivars exist in the west part of Iran. Some of these cultivars have has unique nutritional or storage ability traits. The current study was carried ...  Read More
Effect of Ovary Conditioned Medium on Callogenesis and Gametic Embryogenesis in another Culture of Different Cultivars of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)
Effect of Ovary Conditioned Medium on Callogenesis and Gametic Embryogenesis in another Culture of Different Cultivars of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.)

S. Najafi; M.R. Abdollahi; H. Sari Khani; S.S. Moosavi

Volume 38, Issue 4 , March 2016, , Pages 105-116


  In this research, the effect of ovary co-culture on androgenesis efficiency in anther cultures of four cultivars of cucumber was studied. A factorial experiment based on Completely ...  Read More