Kiamars Azadinejad; Alireza Yadavi; Amin Salehi; Hooshang Farajee; Pravin Rostampour
Introduction: In recent years, to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance crop yield by optimizing the use of chemical fertilizers in the country, application ...
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Introduction: In recent years, to promote sustainable agriculture and enhance crop yield by optimizing the use of chemical fertilizers in the country, application of organic materials and biofertilizers has been recommended. Because the use of chemical fertilizers with destructive environmental effects, as well as their high reliance on non-renewable energy sources, is not in accordance with the concepts of agricultural sustainability. Ecological cultivation of medicinal plants guarantees their quality and reduces the possibility of negative effects on medicinal quality and their performance. Healthy nutrition of plants with organic and biological fertilizers improves the quality of agricultural soils and increases the yield of various plants and it has the most compatibility with the purpose of producing medicinal plants. European borage with the English name Borage is from the Boraginaceae family with the scientific name Borago officinlis L. This plant has been used since ancient times in Iranian traditional medicine as a sedative, restorer of mucous tissues, expectorant, heart rate reducer, body strengthener and anti-cold. Also, borage flower extract has anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant properties.
Materials and Methods: In order to investigate the effect of ecological nutritional inputs on some caracteristics of Borago officinalis, a factorial experiment was conducted in form of a randomized complete block design with 3 replications in 2018-2019 in Fahlian, Noorabad, Fars province. The first factor includes compost fertilizer (rice straw + sheep manure) at three levels (zero, 5 and 10 ton.ha-1) and the second factor includes biological fertilizers at four levels (control, mycorrhizal fungus (Funneliformis moseae), Bacteria (Bacillus subtilis) and mycorrhiza fungus+Bacillus bacteria). The studied traits included nutritional elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and zinc), phytochemical traits (phenol, flavonoid, anthocyanin, and antioxidant activity), and finally flower yield.
Results and Discussion: The effect of compost and biological fertilizers under investigation was significant on all studied traits. The interaction of these factors on amount of iron and zinc, phenol, flavonoid, antioxidant activity was not significant, but it was significant on nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, anthocyanin and flower yield. The obtained results showed a significant increase in iron, zinc, phenol, flavonoid and antioxidant activity with increasing levels of compost from 0 to 10 ton.ha-1. Among the levels of biofertilizers, the highest amount of these traits was obtained from combined treatment of mycorrhizal and bacterial.The highest amount of nitrogen (1/54 %), phosphorus (0/46 %), potassium (2/48 %), anthocyanin (0/49 mg/g flower DW) and Key trait of flower yield (65/60 gr.m2) was obtained during the application of 10 ton.ha-1 of compost and the integrated application of mycorrhizal fungi and Bacillus subtilis bacteria, And the lowest amount was obtained from the control treatment without the use of compost and biofertilizers.
Conclusion:According to results, although nutritional resources in European borage production led to the improvement of the studied traits, but the combined use of compost and biological fertilizers (10 ton.ha-1of compost and combination of two biofertilizers mycorrhizal and bacterial), had a greater effect and efficiency in increasing these traits especially the key trait of flower yeild. Due to the damaging effects of chemical fertilizers and the favorable effects observed for biological and organic fertilizers, the use of biological and organic fertilizers is recommended in order to cultivate European Borage.