S. Larki; A. Rahnama; A. Aynehband
Understanding of the mechanisms affecting root uptake, transport and grain deposition of cadmium can successfully improve the success of breeding programs aiming to produce low cadmium ...
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Understanding of the mechanisms affecting root uptake, transport and grain deposition of cadmium can successfully improve the success of breeding programs aiming to produce low cadmium accumulating genotypes. To determine the role of potassium in cadmium uptake by roots, transport to shoot and accumulation in the grain of two durum wheat (Behrang and Yavarous), a pot experiment was carried out, using a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications in different treatments: control, 20 mg Cd kg-1 soil (CdCl2), 20 mg Cd kg-1 soil with two levels of 300 and 450 mg K kg-1 soil as potassium sulphate, and two levels 30 and 45 mg K kg-1 soil as nano chelate potassium 27%. Cadmium decreased differentially the concentration of potassium in roots, leaves and grains in both cultivars, but cadmium concentrations were increased. The highest and lowest cadmium concentration was found in roots and grains, respectively. Potassium application in combination with cadmium through competition led to the decrease of cadmium concentrations compared to cadmium treatments in roots, leaves and grains of both cultivars, but increased potassium concentrations. According to the findings in this study, potassium plays an important role in grain quality improvement by increasing potassium concentrations and decreasing cadmium concentrations.