Volume 47 (2024)
Volume 46 (2023)
Volume 45 (2022)
Volume 44 (2021)
Volume 43 (2020)
Volume 42 (2019)
Volume 41 (2018)
Volume 40 (2017)
Volume 39 (2016)
Volume 38 (2015)
Volume 37 (2014)
Volume 36 (2013)
Volume 35 (2012)
Volume 34 (2011)
Volume 33 (2010)
Volume 32 (2009)
Effects of Aloe vera Gel and Storage Duration on Some Biochemical Indices in Minimally Processed Pomegranate Fresh Arils
Effects of Aloe vera Gel and Storage Duration on Some Biochemical Indices in Minimally Processed Pomegranate Fresh Arils

Madineh Taheri; Mokhtar Heidari; Mehdi Zarei

Volume 42, Issue 4 , December 2019, , Pages 495-508


  Abstract   Background and Objectives The effect of different physical and chemical treatments on quality of pomegranate fruit at postharvest has been studied, but little information ...  Read More
Effects of Harvest Time and Storage Duration on Some Physical and Biochemical Indices in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruits
Effects of Harvest Time and Storage Duration on Some Physical and Biochemical Indices in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Fruits

F. Paimard; M. Heidari

Volume 41, Issue 1 , June 2018, , Pages 57-68


  Abstract Background and Objectives Preharvest and harvest conditions can affect quality and biochemical composition of fruit during storage. Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) is a non-climactric ...  Read More
Influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and proline content in Leek (Allium porrum L.) and two genotypes of persian Leek (Allium ampeloprasum ssp. persicum L.) under drought stress
Influence of mycorrhizal symbiosis on growth and proline content in Leek (Allium porrum L.) and two genotypes of persian Leek (Allium ampeloprasum ssp. persicum L.) under drought stress

N. Ghasem Jokar; H. Nadian; B. Khalil Moghaddam; M. Heidary; M.H. Gharineh

Volume 38, Issue 1 , May 2015, , Pages 15-26


  In recent years, biological approaches such as mycorrhizal symbiosis have been used to alleviate the detrimental effects of drought stress. In a pot experiment the responses of three ...  Read More
The effects of different levels of sodium chloride and mycorrhizal colonization on growth, P, K and Na uptake by saffron (Crocus sativus L.)
The effects of different levels of sodium chloride and mycorrhizal colonization on growth, P, K and Na uptake by saffron (Crocus sativus L.)

H. Nadian; M. Heidari; M.H. Gharineh; M.H. Daneshvar

Volume 36, Issue 2 , September 2013, , Pages 49-59

  The effect of different levels of salinity arising from sodium chloride on plant growth parameters, phosphorus, potassium and sodium uptake by saffron plant with and without mycorrhiza ...  Read More
Effect of row planting design and planting distance on flowering and quality of gladiolus cut flower (Gladiolus hybrida cv. Oscar (
Effect of row planting design and planting distance on flowering and quality of gladiolus cut flower (Gladiolus hybrida cv. Oscar (

M.H. Daneshvar; M. Heidari

Volume 36, Issue 1 , June 2013, , Pages 129-140

  The increasing of planting density of bulbous flowers is one of the most important step for more  production of ornamental plants. One of the possible methods for increasing density, ...  Read More